First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone*
Date (example 01/01/2019)*
Dog Preference 1 (If any, write any)*
Occasionally, a Malinois with special needs (physical restrictions or an unusual personality or preferences) is available for adoption. Would you be interested in being considered for a “special needs” dog? *
Name of any coordinator that you are working with.*
Applicant's Name*
Spouse's / Partner's Name
Number of Adults in Family*
Occupation 1*
Employer 1*
Occupation 2
Employer 2
Number of children in home.
Children's sex and age
Have you researched the Belgian Malinois?*
Why do you feel that the Malinois is the breed for you?*
Have you personally met any malinois and spent time with them? Please give details.*
What is your previous experience with dogs?*
What family activities would include the dog?*
Who is primarily responsible for the care of the dog?*
If approved to adopt would you take your Malinois to obedience training classes?*
How much time would the dog spend alone?*
How do you plan on caring for your dog if you are away from home more than 4 hours a day? *
Will you supervise while the dog is out in the yard?*
Which do you live in?*
Do you rent or own your home?*
If rent, what is your Landlords Name?
Landlord's Street Address
Landlord's City
Landlord's State
Landlord's Zip Code
Landlord's Phone
Please describe your landlords pet policy?
Is your residence fenced?*
If your answer was yes or partially describe your fence.
Will you modify your schedule to fulfill the dog's needs?*
Do you agree to limit kennel/crate time?*
Do you have local dog ordinances?*
If yes above, describe the dog ordinances.
Do you have a maximum dog limit in your town and are you at capacity?*
Are you part of a Home Owners Association? If yes do they have any restrictions related to pet ownership?*
What dogs have you owned in the past ten years? (List below with name, breed, sex, and age) *
What is the current status of dogs listed above? Currently with you, deceased, etc?*
What other pets do you currently own? (List below with name, breed, sex, and age)*
Do you understand that cats, small animals, and prey animals are at risk with a high prey drive dog?*
Have you ever bred dogs?*
Do you participate in dog shows or dog sports?*
Are you interested in participating in any of the following dog sports?
What is your training philosophy?*
What commands have you taught in the past?*
Are you familiar with crate training?*
If you are not familiar with using a crate, are you willing to learn?*
Would you walk and exercise the dog daily?*
Would you take your dog to your place of employment?*
What is your typical household energy level?*
Typically how many adults visit in a week?*
Typically how many children visit in a week?*
Would you supervise children around the dog at all times?*
Would your dog travel with you?*
Where would you travel with your dog?*
Which sex Malinois are you interested in?*
What additional information would you like to include?
Vet Name
Vet Street Address
Vet's City
Vet's State
Vet's Zip Code
Vet's Phone Number
First Personal Reference Name (No Relatives)*
First Personal Reference Email *
First Personal Reference Phone*
Second Personal Reference Name (No Relatives)*
Second Personal Reference Email *
Second Personal Reference Phone Number*
The adoptive family is required to meet transport halfway. Do you agree to this?*